Brand Builder | Creative Leader | Work In Progress

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas


Kansans often feel disconnected and confused by their health insurance.

What’s more is the state has been overrun with national providers plastering ads everywhere offering local services. It was time for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas to double down on their unique brand position and offer consumers something different: health insurance the Kansas Way. After all, who’s going to look out for communities like the people that actually live in them?

The first step in the process, a revised logo placing more emphasis on who they serve.

With ‘The Kansas Way’ as the strategic guide, every element emphasized a commitment to Kansans. As a result, both patterns and colors were inspired by the natural elements that make up the rich landscape of the state.

Patterns inspired by wind swirling through tall grass, crop lines and wheat shocks are paired with colors like Cottonwood, Limestone and honeybee, the state insect.


A renewed approach to photography was mandatory, focusing more on authentic life moments that better reflected the lives of Kansans. Language and tone were also considered and reworked to ensure that brand messaging feel simple, friendly and familiar.

From brand elements intent on internal culture conversion to external expressions, every component has Kansas at the core.

The revised brand campaign’s influence on the homepage of the website.

To ensure we were on the right path, a study was conducted among Kansans pitting the new design system against competitors and the previous identity. The new work outperformed in every metric including ease of understanding and commitment to local communities.